Monday, July 30, 2012

Phone Argument

A friendly tele-conversation has turned into an altercation over something as trivial as passing of a phone call. The incident took place on July 20, 2012 in CAB(West) between HQ ACC and 708SQN with two NSFs, namely Wee Kiat and a Third Sergeant.

According to the Third Sergeant, the tone delivered by Wee Kiat was hostile, demanding and domineering. On top of that, he also claimed that Wee Kiat was expecting things exactly the way he wanted especially in a way the situation could no longer be controlled.

On the opposite end, Wee Kiat was seething with rage by the response of the CQ which he felt being callously disparaged and taunted. The frustrated ORD-to-be clerk further explained that it was the Third Sergeant who first started the argument, and this dispute could have been avoided if not for his unreasonable, crude response.

As for me, I would rather remain as the neutral empire since there is an obvious devoid of mitigating ground, i.e phone recording, also a crucial medium for me to justify their assertions (why the bother to pursue a middle ground which cannot exist). For more details, please see below.

P.S Please note that only salient information are picked for the dialogue. Some information may not be gospel truth as whatever inputs provided are based on my current understanding of the situation. For the record, I don't trust mere words from both parties without a solid evidence that can back up their assertion. 

WK: I want to speak to Ryan.
3SG: What is it regarding?
WK: I want to tell him something.
3SG: If you are looking for Ryan then why are you calling this number? This number is meant for important stuff, not a hotline for you to seek help.

5 minutes later ...
3SG: Could you tell me what is it about so that I could relay the message to him?
WK: I need his help to collect some stuff from the e-mart.
3SG: Why can't you do it yourself?
WK: If I can handle it myself why would I be asking for help?
WK: (Continued) Can you just pass the call to Ryan?
3SG: He's not in. And E-mart closed already.
WK: (Polite) Hello? E-mart is not closed yet. Jenny told me about the operating hours before. Today is Monday, e-mart closes at 5pm.
3SG: (Paused) Hello?! Are you testing me? I work in the e-mart! 
WK: Uh.... Where is he now? Why I called him a lot of times but he didn't pick up my call?
3SG: Is that my fault?
WK(Stumble): uh.. No...its nt ur fault... I just want to talk to him ...
3SG(An attempt to taunt): Ah.... Ah...... What? What?

A long argument persisted for quite some time before things ended up with:
WK(Scream): if you don't wanna help thats it. Never mind.

NOTE: This post is written on July 31, 2012 at 2108hrs with the best of my memory.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rant & Rambles About PRCs

Disclaimer: I have no intention to stir any resentment among the People's Republic of China(PRC), as whatever I wrote here are all based on personal experiences with them. If you belong to this category and any of these texts is/are offensive, please do not hesitate to drop me a message in the comment box provided below and I will remove them accordingly.

No Singaporean in their right frame of mind will not agree with me that PRCs are extremely annoying, boisterous and filthy. Readers(some), if it comes across as snobbish or arrogance to you, then maybe you should examine yourself, rather than pin it all on me.

And oh, for those who disagree with me, it's high time to cease behaving like an old, sage owl and pretend as if you don't hold any grudge against them at the slightest. Not a morsel of hatred, you serious? Behind your seemingly wise façade you are just a pathetic hypocrite who don't have the strength of character to stick to your moral when the going gets hard to justify your cowardice.
 Managed to change the venue of departing to Tampines!
 The exterior design of the store.
Come to think about it, I wonder why did our government magnanimously made huge investment using our hard-earned monies, i.e. income taxes, on people who don't even worth to be in our country? Is there a loose screw in our so-called shrewd government's brain to allow an influx of PRCs to work in our service line? Yes, if you ask me, I hate them to the core; and I believe that the notion of racism against them is already deeply ingrained in me since I was young.

One very fact I abhor about the obnoxious PRCs is their loathsome and gruesome chinese accent. That's not the onus of my hatred towards them, but more of the display of their holier-than-thou attitude and egoism. Some of them even considered their presence in their jobs in Singapore as indispensable and they naïvely think that we can't do without their holy existence. How swallow and cocky they are. Come to think of it, what have they contributed to our island; besides the delivery of their half-fucked and substandard service in our convenience stores?

Horribly, when we patronized the 5-stars, the whole place was filled with these terrible China-imported chinese staffs. Their crummy service and nonchalance attitude have perfectly shown how repulsive they really are. I really cannot comprehend why our government even agreed to allow these foreigners tarnishing the service reputation of our gracious country.

Words to PRC~
Hello, you PRCs are professionally trained as a travel agent and you don't stare at the computer screen when you are serving customers because it is extremely rude. Don't tell me that you PRCs don't even know basic courtesy like maintaining eyes contact with people while you communicate. Is that what you PRCs do in your country?

If you PRCs refuse to abide by our basic set of rules, I strongly urge that you can bring yourself and that shitty attitude of yours back to China. Honestly speaking, you PRCs are not even fit to grime off our feet, let alone be a tourist of our nation, and I personally consider it one of the tragedies of our modern era that our government ever hired someone like you people.

NOTE: This post is written on Jul 30, 2012 at 2348hrs with the best of my memory