Last Thursday, I went for my Urinalysis at Changi Medical Centre(west). The MO (CPT Daniel) detected that my urine had excess calcium (a bad thing, I guess). To ensure things were alright, he requested me to come back next week and undergo another test.
So here I am, back to CMC this morning.
What happened today was actually annoying and hilarious(somewhat). Basically, the medic handed me a blue 'disposable urine paper bag' to store my urine sample. He didn't properly instructed me how to use it and I ended up wasted three bags due to leakages.
Proper procedure:
Instead of peeing into the bag, user is advised to urine on the urine strip for 2 seconds. Upon completion, the urine strip will be stored into the bag (Maybe I am just too dumb to figure this out myself).
Fortunately, my urine test turned out to be normal. It really scared shit of me when I learnt from a friend that those substances might be kidney stones.
During the diagnosis, the amiable lieutenant medical officer, LTA(Dr) Avin has detected my runny nose and he has also prescribed me with a lot medicines as well.
I really have no idea why is this happening to me! My nose is terribly blocked most the time and sometimes both nostrils are blocked at the same time. I had a bad flu shot!
Look at how many tissues wasted to wipe those icky stuff off my nose. For the record, I had plenty of them being washed away by the the water already.